POSTS: There were a couple of great posts. One at Beautiful/Decay. Thank you. And, another by a fabulous collector/lady I like: The highlight of my day.
SHOW: (so) Much (too) little, shared with Gala Bent and Sharon Arnold, was at Northwind Arts Center.
About a year ago NAC invited me to have a show with them. They asked that it be a two or three person show and I immediately began thinking about who I would like to invite. Gala and Sharon came to mind quickly and I can’t say how delighted I am that the both agreed. Our work is not immediately visually similar, which is exactly what I wanted for this show. The places where we overlap lies below and is rich territory: repetition, pattern, and a reach for balance of geometry and control with fluid natural phenomenon is present in all of our work. This is spiced with a serious crush on science and the approach of asking or why/how/what do we do and where do with do it, plus a healthy dose of storytelling.
Foreground left, painting by Langley, foreground right, drawing with ribbons by Gala Bent; background left, two peeks of Langley paintings and background right four from Sharon Arnold’s 1:1 series
from left to right: one feathered Langley, three works by Gala Bent
Sharon Arnold’s Gutted
Far back wall work by Gala Bent, with Langleys to either side.
Emerald discussing Sharon Arnold’s work 1:1
About which she says, “I like that so little material was just pretty much transformed into awesomeness.”